Thursday, January 25, 2018

Courage for 2018

David also said to Solomon his son, “Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work for the service of the temple of the LORD is finished. 1 Chronicles 28:20

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6

The Bible has the word Courage throughout it. This year I really debated on my word for the year. However, I felt on the 1st day of the year, God just handed it to me. It wasn’t on a silver plater, but it was on my coffee mug. I thought to myself, that is NOT my word, b/c if you know me… Courage isn’t something that I believe that I have a lot of.

Words of the past years were Simplify, Joy, Journey, Transformation…. Now I look at Courage… Where will this year take me?

I believe in 2017, I transitioned into a bigger Faith… a bigger Trust in what God has planned. However, since I take words into the next years to come, I do see more transformations than I thought I would.

2018 has already taken my beloved Pastor away from me. He is still living, and I will still love him and support him. He can’t lose me b/c he married into the family! He will come out stronger than before; I believe that wholeheartedly. However, I stand in 2018 with change where I need Courage to move forward, I need Faith and Trust more than ever.

I moved into a new job at the end of 2017. I am not one that just walks into change. Normally God has to shove me or throw things at me. This time it happened to be roaches. Oh do I not like bugs. However, I feel like I transitioned into a new area where I will face more challenges and become a better person where God has me at.

I have had a lot of conversations and prayers lately over 2018! I am looking for a new home to begin my youngest starting elementary school this year. I pray often for God to guide my path like only he can. He knows how to move me out of uncomfort and to make me change, as long as I ask him to guide it. I know this year that I need Courage. I need Courage to face the change that lies ahead. I know that I need Faith and Trust to help me deal with the change to come. So I cling to my heavenly Father more right now.

Last week while taking my youngest to class, I was walking down the sidewalk. You have those kids that run, the kids that look down and move slower than molasses, the ones that won’t walk on the sidewalk – life is about off-roading it, and you have those that walk normal and get to where they are going. I really felt God speak to me and say this is how my children live life… You have those that get in a hurry and miss things or run people over, you have those that move to slow and don’t enjoy their surroundings, you have those that never walk the path they are meant to walk and walk on the sides… This picture really just struct me and made me think about how I take life each day. If we would stop and look around, we would see God moving and directing our steps. I pray daily for God to guide my steps.

Here is to 2018! Facing each day as it comes with Courage. Asking God to guide each step that I take and blessing every encounter that I have with others. Having Faith that he will lead my life in the direction it is meant to go, and in return, may I be a blessing to those around me.

I can’t wait to see what 2018 has in store!

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